The Books

Click on a cover for the direct Amazon link, or visit my Amazon Author Page.

The novels (but not the picture books, sadly) are also available at other online booksellers; check out Book2Read for the list.

For those with a Multnomah County Library card, most of the novels are also available at their Overdrive site (not included: The Fountain in the Garden and the picture books).

String, Ball, Bell. Whereby a Girl and a Cat Save the World

A picture book. As the title says, they save the world.

With a bit of string, a ball, and a bell, a girl and a cat save the world. This world, of course, is not the ordinary, everyday world; it’s a faraway land that’s troubled by trolls and persistent dark clouds. And the girl and cat are not quite ordinary, either, especially the cat, who can transform seemingly everyday cat toys into things of magic.

Exiles of Aur Series

Fantasy-romance novels loosely tied to each other, but each rather different in tone.

Maria Rubine has always known she’s been living on borrowed time. She is Aurian and also an Impure, born with a genetic curse she cannot escape. Eventually, she knows, she will transform into a monster, both in body and soul. Or is there some way she can escape her horrible destiny?

Edie Brown finds herself being inexorably drawn into a world of myth, magic, and monsters, a world that leads to chaos, imprisonment, and violence.

Bia Kodaly wakes up one day with no memories of who she is, or, really, anything that came before. Will she survive long enough to discover who she is?

Inda Young has spent the last six years trying to perfect being someone no one thinks to remember. But she finds her past catching up with her as she must face the truth of who, of what she is, even if it means separating her forever from the man she loves.

Ione of the House of Sapphe is a liability to her family. She and her sister are sent to live in the barbaric, non-magical world, in a country called the United States of America.

As Sylvie Baker tries to solve the mystery of herself – and stay alive – she may discover that reality will need some serious redefining.  She may find that she’s part of a greater mystery that ties her to the secretive island nation of Aur, which changed the rules of reality long ago. She may also fall in love along the way.

Stand-Alone Novels

Romance, romantic suspense, and a children’s fantasy book.

An island with a fairy-tale castle seems like just the setting for a story with a happy ending. Or is it?

A vacation on a resort island for Lilah Farmer quickly goes awry, when nothing is quite as it seems.

What starts out as a pretty ordinary, lonely summer vacation quickly turns into a rather extraordinary quest.

Nigel Picture Books

Featuring a girl and her dog.

You are cordially invited to join in on a little autumn adventure with a girl and her German Shepherd dog, Nigel, in which they meet a cat, solve a mystery, and make a new friend.

A girl and her German Shepherd dog, Nigel, set off on a rambling idyll one spring day, in which they chase geese, splash in water, and go on a little quest that takes them to an old friend. It’s quite possibly a perfect spring day.